Your Favorite TV Shows Countdown

1) Gotham Season 2  - 3 days 

Who knew a show based on the Batman franchise, that doesn't included batman, would be interesting.
Gotham proved itself to be quit capable of entertaining me. After a successful first season exploring several background stories on some of my favorite characters, season two promises to explore my favorite villain "Joker" backstory. If that's not a reason to watch it, then I don't know what it is.

2) Scream Queens - 3 days 

Frankly I am not a fan of high school - collage comedies.The series premiering on Fox got some buzz the last few months. Not sure if it's because of the ridiculously hot cast or the show itself. I'll give the pilot a try, but based on the trailers I've seen, I'm going to need Ariana Grande to lick some donuts in order to make this worth the watch.

3) Once Upon a Time Season 5 - 8 days

Original and captivating in every aspect, the iconic Once Upon a Time is coming back to ABC in just 8 days. The plot twist surly left me hanging, but the trailer pushed me over the edge. Dark Emma got nothing on my favorite imp. A fan favorite character is coming back, and sadly it's not Graham, it's Mulan played by the very talented Jamie Chung. With that said, I'll leave you with this Killian quote from the opening scene of the first episode. “If I can’t find her, I can damn well bring her to me.”

4) The Blacklist Season 3 - 12 days

Like father like daughter. The second season finale certainly answered my questions but it left me with whole bunch of more. Long gone her days as FBI agent, Liz is on the run Red who promised safety and declared war with the Cabal. I can talk days about why you should watch this show, from the addicting plot to the superb action scenes, but I feel nothing will truly convince you like James Spader's performance. "Raymond Reddington" is certainly the role of the lifetime.

5) Agents of  Shield Season 3 - 11 days

After a rocky start Agents of Shield got back on track with a kick-ass storyline. Going with Marevel's it's all connected seems to be working for this show. The posters released for the season revealed an amazing Quack costume. The season will start with S.H.I.E.L.D discovering a new inhuman and encountering a new organization similar to them.

6) iZombie Season 2 - 17 days

I hate zombies. I really do. I didn't want to watch this show at first, but then I remembered the last time Rob Thomas wrote a blond female lead tv character on TV. The Legendary Veronica Mars.Sassy, smart and dead, Liv Moore played by Rose McIver helps the police solve crimes by eating the victims brains and getting flash backs, habits, skills and memories from their lives. Creepy and funny at the same time the first season ended with Liv possibly causing her brother and boyfriend death. The new season looks funnier compared to the finale but I wouldn't expect anything else. Note: don't eat while watching this show.  

7) The Flash - 18 days

If I had to pick a favorite from the list it would be The Flash. Fast paced complemented with amazing plot and talented cast, this show came out of nowhere and made me fall in love with it. I was not expecting Grant Gustin to portray this charterer so well, especially in the last few episodes where the show took some dramatic turn, Barry's scene with his mother was truly heartbreaking and very well done. Serving the best visual effects on TV, the Primetime Emmy Award nominee, is returning to CW. In just 18 days we'll find out if Barry Allen saved Central City or not.

8) American Horror Story Season Five Hotel - 18 days

The critically acclaimed Emmy and Golden Glob horror show American Horror Story is coming back with it's fifth season on FX in just 18 days. Writers Ryan Murphy and Brad Flachuck already promised a darker season. Inspired from real and actual hotels spread in Los Angeles the series will include Lady Gaga as Elizabeth "The Hotel owner" and  Wes Bentley as John Lowe "the detective".

9) Arrow Season 4 - 19 days

Oliver is happy living the domestic life with his one true love Felicity, however that doesn't last very long. After being interrupted from proposing to my favorite blond, Laurel and Thea ask Oliver for Help. Starling now "Star" city is under attack and only with the Green Arrow's help it will be saved. A new Diggle costume, Laurel and Thea being badass on a motorcycle are definatly my favorite scenes from the trailer. Hopefully the new season will be able to pull through the previous season tragic storyline.  

10) Supergirl -38 days

Two new female lead superhero TV show are coming soon, but since Supergirl is coming sooner than Jessica Jones I'll give it the final spot on my list. While the trailer looks like The Flash meet The Devil Wears Prada, the actual show is rumored to be much much better.As any faithful superhero on TV Supergirl got the "supporting no matter what sister figure" and "a co-worker hacker". I would honestly be disappointed if the show took the mushy rout just because the lead is a female.However I will not judge it yet, Supergirl is something new and unique, and hopefully it will match CWs superhero hits if not surpass them.